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Feeling blah + I break everything + Timehop reminders!

Thank you for sending me pictures from our reception! I love looking through them.

I had planned to get up and run early Monday morning (Jake told me that I would probably end up sleeping in, so I wanted to prove him wrong). Turns out he was right. I think I’m still recovering from our weekend! I definitely slept in until almost 7. It felt good to just lay in bed and relax. When I did finally get up, I didn’t feel like running. I worked on cleaning up the house and then had breakfast. Avocado toast again!
After breakfast, I did laundry and got everything that was sitting out from the weekend put away. I also read through all of our wedding cards again. I love every single one! Before I had lunch, I made myself go to the Y. I ran an easy 2 miles and did then did some weight training.
I felt kind of blah yesterday, so I made sure to drink tons of water. Working out a little definitely helped make me feel better, too!
I attempted a plank circuit, but I was feeling pretty weak, so I shortened it and just did part of it.
After I worked out, I went home to make lunch. My amazing neighbor, Ashleigh, brought over a huge fresh juice that she had made, so after drinking that and talking with her, I didn’t even end up eating lunch. I was full from the juice! It was seriously delicious. I think I need a juicer…
But now I have chicken for the rest of the week!
Ugh. Then this happened. I was putting something away while talking to Jake on the phone and all of a sudden something slammed into my ankle (it fell from the top shelf) and then shattered. I’m lucky I didn’t hurt my ankle/foot worse that I did. That blender was HEAVY and it landed right on my ankle bone before hitting the floor. It hurt so bad I kind of lost my breath, so I hung up from Jake super fast and sulked about the whole situation for about 5 minutes. Then I got it all cleaned up. My ankle was pretty sore the rest of the day yesterday, but it feels fine today! It’s just bruised. So now I guess I need a juicer AND a blender…
Jake got home right as I finished cleaning up my mess. We shared some beef jerky and then ran a couple of errands. This flavor wasn’t my favorite, but it’s not bad.
Brandi, our amazing photographer and friend, sent me a couple more photos from the morning of our wedding when all of the girls went to brunch. I love them!
Here’s my Grandma and me.
We got home from running errands and I started on dinner. Look how huge these tuna steaks are! I know it’s hard to tell, but trust me, they were massive.
Mmmm. I think I ate a third of mine. We probably should’ve shared one. My current veggie obsession is a beet/carrot combination. So good!
We started watching a movie after dinner, but it REALLY sucked. It’s called The Week Of (I think). Do not watch it. We didn’t finish it. There were a couple parts that were KIND of funny, but it’s not worth it. I felt like I lost brain cells while watching and Lu wasn’t impressed either.
Post-dinner cuddles with my husband! <3
We turned off the terrible movie and played frisbee in the backyard. MUCH better idea!
I start training next week, so I’ve been trying to get my body used to these wake-up times. I don’t like running in the heat, so my summer weekend long runs might need to start even earlier than this when it gets warmer.
Family cuddles before bed last night.
Jake and I got up to run this morning, but it was lightening like crazy, so I headed to the Y. Then it didn’t even end up storming! Oh well. I wore my Altra IQs. I call them my Smarties since they tell me so much cool data. I love the reflective material on them, too. This picture kind of makes them look like they’re on the wrong foot, doesn’t it?? It WAS early, but I think they were on the correct feet. No promises… ; )
I guess I’ve always been a little crazy…hey, I don’t know if you’re aware, but one day, VERY soon (August-ish), I won’t EVER have to take another class or have homework!!!! I love when Timehope reminds me of things like this. I had forgotten how crazy my summers used to be.
I’m off to the library for the day – wish me luck!
Happy Tuesday!
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