Papers & Pavement

Weekend Wrap-up!

Friday morning started with some time on the elliptical and then some weights and abs! The two spots I usually like to go to set up my own workout area were busy, so I found a new spot. I’m still a little sore…

I love getting dip powder, it’s all I ever do. I had my last manicure for 4 weeks! It still looked perfect, minus being super grown out. I don’t like my nails super long, so this was WAY too long for me. I had them chopped way down. When they’re super long, it’s hard for me to type.
There’s nothing quite like a fresh manicure, especially one that will last you 4 weeks.
I ran some errands after working out and getting my nails done, then it was home for lunch! I had leftovers and cherries again.
I did some work around the house and then a little computer work before I needed a snack break.
More work and another snack…
I loved on the girls for a little bit. Aspen hates pictures, so I try not to take a million of her. Lu loves the camera.
I got all set up for my meeting – Lu wanted to help, and then it got postponed. I am SO ready for all of this to be finished. I’ve been thinking about moving my defense date back a couple of weeks, just for peace of mind. I haven’t decided yet, but I’m really thinking it might be a good idea. (I’m currently supposed to defend at the end of August, I’m thinking of moving it until the end of September). It doesn’t affect anything, other than defending a few weeks later than originally planned. I’ll still graduate (fingers crossed) in December. I feel like I need some more time, and I’m about to start teaching 3 online classes, so I need to start prepping for those. I’d like to not be crazy stressed trying to cram everything in in the next 4 weeks if I don’t have to be. (I have to have everything submitted at least 2 weeks before my defense). I think there will be a steady stream of stress until I graduate, but if I can make it a little easier on myself, I think I should…so, we will see!
Since my meeting was canceled, I went out into the shop to hang with Jake while he cleaned the fridge out there.
I lounged and sipped on this while he worked.
I got some Aspen cuddles, too. You have to be really sneaky when taking pictures with her…
Dinner Friday night was all the leftovers. We had another week of not throwing away any food! I loved it.
Jake and I both did our long runs on Saturday. He met with a group and did 6, then I met up with him and we did 10 together. My run felt really good. I was super sore from lifting, so I need to be careful with that as my runs get longer, but other than that, everything felt great.
We both stopped to stretch about mile 8 for me and 13 for Jake.
After our runs, we hit the road and headed to the lake! Since my meeting was postponed Friday night, I had it Saturday morning. I get super car sick, but this was my only option. We picked up our friend, Katie, on the way. I sat in the back and talked to my advisor the whole trip down to the lake, which was about an hour. I’m glad we were able to still fit it in, but I felt so sick the rest of the day.
I love the lake. We just sold our boat, so we aren’t going as often as we used to, but we will have a boat again soon!
I love spending time with these two! We’ve been friends since high school.
The boys fished a little bit.
And the girls soaked up the sun! Also, these Truly drinks are delicious. Kallie shared a few with me and I’m definitely going to pick some up!
My handsome hubby.
Jeremy, Kallie’s boyfriend, wake boarded for the first time! He did awesome.
Jake loves wake boarding. It’s always fun to watch him, especially when he does tricks.
We grabbed an early dinner, hung out a little bit more, then headed home.
We slept in a little Sunday morning, which was super nice. I made a grocery list and headed to the store as soon as I woke up. I got home from the store and started putting things away and I couldn’t believe how messy our pantry had gotten, sooo, I organized it while I meal prepped. I forgot to take a picture before I started taking things out of it, but remembered before I have moved too many things. Here’s the before.
All of this was in there, too…everything was just shoved in there. It was driving me crazy. The after picture is at the end!
I made lunches for the week and some beet hummus from Run Fast. Eat Slow. It is DELICIOUS. I am loving my food processor! I’ve never had one before! It’s the best. Also, those blades are crazy sharp. I think I’ve cut myself every single time I’ve used this blender…one day I’ll learn. Maybe.

Jake went fishing for a little bit and came home just in time for lunch. He felt bad he was fishing while I was cooking, but I told him I LOVE to cook – it’s relaxing. Anyone else feel that way?

For lunch we had some of the beet hummus on pita bread, topped with spinach, tomato, and onion.

For lunches this week, we are having broccoli rice stuffed peppers. Jake will have this for 3 days, then chicken wraps on Thursday and Friday. I made his with cheddar cheese and mine with dairy-free mozzarella. The filling is SUPER good. I (kinda) followed THIS recipe. I cooked the rice ahead of time and then just added everything to a big pot and let it summer. I also used a dairy-free cream cheese.
Jake’s lunches for Monday – Wednesday!
Here’s the before picture from earlier and the after! I feel SO much better
having a clean pantry.
Here’s a big version of the after – it didn’t take all that long, either. I’m glad I tackled this.

After I cleaned up, I had a pretty bad headache and just wasn’t feeling all that great, so I decided to put my run off until Monday. I was still pretty sore from lifting on Friday, so I took an Epsom salt bath. Turns out baths really hurt when you have a sunburn! This was the first time I didn’t follow my plan this training cycle.

For dinner, we met our friends Luke and Leanna at Galloway. I had the veggie burger with roasted veggies. It was outstanding.

I got up this morning, knocked out a little work, then headed out for a run. Before I left, I made our breakfast. We are having the beet smoothie from Run Fast. Eat Slow. It’s SO yummy.
 Here was my training plan for last week!
Monday: Rest day – ab workout
Tuesday: 7 @ 9:15 – 3 mi warm-up, 6X200m @ 10k pace uphill, marathon pace downhill, 2 mi cool down.
Wednesday: 45 minutes on the elliptical and lifting
Thursday: 5 @ 8:43
Friday: 30 minutes on the elliptical and lifting
Saturday: 10 @ 8:49
Sunday: Recovery day (should’ve ran 5, but did that today).
I need to knock out some computer work today!
Happy Monday, friends!
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