Papers & Pavement

Weekend Wrap-up!


This weekend was definitely not what I was hoping it would be, but I am thankful for all of the down time I had. I hate getting on here and complaining, but when you’re sick, there’s really not much to talk about. Friday after school, the first thing I did was change into sweats and crawl into bed. I got lots of amazing cuddles from these two crazies.


I slept for about two hours, then Jake and I headed to Galloway for dinner. They had a pineapple and brown sugar brat on special, so we shared it. It was delicious.

Isn’t this the most beautiful BLT you’ve ever seen?

I sure do love this man! I hated being sick all weekend, but it was nice to spend some time together out of the house.

After dinner, we headed to Great Escape for drinks and live music. We were there for about an hour or so, but then I started feeling really crummy, so we came home and I crawled into bed.

Bryan Copeland was playing at Great Escape and his voice is amazing, so we loved getting to hear him play again.

It was a good Valentine’s Day with my best friend.

Saturday morning was tough. I decided to meet the Trail Sisters Springfield group to get some miles in. Wow. My body was so worn out. I have had zero energy, so these 6 miles were pretty brutal, BUT, I got them in. I am ready to be healthy!

Toward the end of my run, all I could think about was how delicious a smoothie sounded. When I got home, I made a huge smoothie and changed into sweats, then crawled back into bed.

I lounged around until grocery pick-up. After I grabbed our groceries, I snagged some medicine from Walgreens. I was so tired of feeling crummy, so I was willing to try anything.

I also had my leftovers from Galloway. Aaaaand some leftover pizza rolls.

I’m sure these two are wondering why I’m spending so much time being lazy in bed, but I don’t think they mind the extra cuddles.

Nothing sounded good for dinner, but I had been wanting to try Craft Sushi, so we went there for a quick dinner. It was pretty good! I want to try it again when I’m not sick. I got a tofu poke bowl and would definitely get that one again.

Sunday morning, Jake headed to an overland expo event at the fair grounds. There was also a short drive for anyone who wanted to go. I had planned to go with Jake, but I was still feeling crummy, so his buddy, Scottie, went with him in my place. Rhea also joined them. They had a blast!

I was in bed all day Sunday, so nothing new to report – thank goodness for Netflix and Hulu! Jake had been craving pizza all weekend, so he picked some up from The Pitch for us and we had a lazy Sunday evening on the couch. It was wonderful.

I was off work Monday for President’s Day, so I was super thankful for one more day to let my body rest. I slept in and then lounged in bed with my girls before moving the party to the couch.

Jake made smoothies for breakfast and left mine in the fridge for me. It was delicious.

I literally spent the whole day on the couch watching Hulu. I watched the entire first season of The Handmaid’s Tale. I had started this show awhile ago, but never finished it. I am hooked! Lunches this week are orange chicken and broccoli. SO delicious.

This precious girl. She’s so snuggly.

Dinner last night was tilapia tacos. It was so quick to make and soooo good.

I am a failure. Alex and I ran this morning and I totally spaced on taking our picture. That NEVER happens. I didn’t even think about it. So here’s what we did! 6 miles to start our morning and we chatted the entire time. My body felt SO much better than it did on Saturday!

I feel SO much better today! Wahoooo!! Almost back to normal. Thank goodness!

Happy Tuesday, friends!

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