Papers & Pavement

Dogs who lift + end of year excitement + adoption!

Yesterday was a super busy day, but I got SO much accomplished. My To-Do list is almost totally crossed off, which is my favorite. I love To-Do lists, which I think I have mentioned before. I snacked on some carrots & almond butter while I was working. I finally got around to using our new glass containers. They worked perfectly!
Then before I knew it, it was lunch time. I had a spinach salad with chicken, tomatoes, and onion. I used avocado oil, mustard, & Sriracha as the dressing. Those ingredients make up one of my favorite dressings. I also had a Halo & a hard-boiled egg.
We got these Paleo protein bars awhile ago. It has taken us a long time to get through them. They’re pretty good, just a little different. This one was Espresso flavored. <3
Then it was home to do a little bit of abs, weights, stretching, and more rolling. All while watching Parks & Rec, of course.
The girls would NOT leave me alone.
The little one kept crawling onto my face. I finally caved & gave her some love. Aspen got sick of me pushing them away, so she sulked in the chair.
Jake called & said he was finished riding, so I got up to start on dinner. I look over & Lu has taken over my workout area. She’s pretty into lifting weights. I was dying laughing.
We were just having leftover nachos from Monday, so prepping dinner didn’t take long at all. I just needed to throw together a salad. I also picked up this salsa. It’s suuuuper yummy!
Mmmmm. We ate the nachos cold & they were really good that way! I added black beans to Jake’s. We sat outside & ate, which was relaxing. I’m so ready for this nice weather to stay around! (Especially as we go into some serious rain/storms this week…)
Jake needed to go to the gas station, so we loaded the girls into the truck & took a little family car ride. They loved it. Obviously. They rode like this the entire way there & the entire way home. They were pretty jazzed about being in the car.
I attempted a family photo, but Lu & Aspen were too busy being weird.
This is how I feel on this rainy Wednesday. Bring me ALL the coffee. All of it.
I didn’t get up to run this morning, I didn’t sleep all that great, & since I have class tonight (eye roll), I probably won’t get a run in. But, Jake got called into work at 2:30 am, so I’m not going to complain! To make myself feel better, I made this super delicious smoothie. It helped! This has half a frozen banana, frozen blueberries & raspberries, unsweetened coconut milk, chia seeds, flax seeds, protein powder, super greens powder, MCT oil, & a bunch of spinach. It’s SUPER filling & really tasty.
It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! This is what we got this morning – how cute?! 18.5 days left!!!! YAY!
I don’t think I have talked about my adoption on the blog before, but I think most people know. And if you didn’t, now you do! 😉 The other night I was just thinking about how blessed I am to have the best parents in the entire world, but to also have Dawn, my birth-mom, in my life. Dawn is on the left of this picture & my Mom is on the right. Without Dawn, I would not be here & I would not have gotten to grow up with my loving parents. I didn’t meet Dawn until I was 25, so about 3 years ago. It was such an amazing experience & we clicked immediately. I called my Mom right after I left Dawn & she, of course, wanted to meet Dawn ASAP. So, I had them both over a few days later to drink wine & hang out. It was so incredible seeing them meet. I am so grateful that we all get along & love each other! I will share more about my adoption later!
Try & stay dry today, friends! <3
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