Yummy leftovers & getting antsy!!

I had some leftovers from our Mother’s Day BBQ for lunch on Monday. Jake’s chicken is still SO good.

I have an editorial assistantship this summer with Literacy Research: Theory, Method, & Practice magazine. I have 6 articles to edit, so I got started on that yesterday. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I’m excited to be part of the process. I wrote an article for The Missouri Reader a few years ago, so I know the submission/revision process as an author, but I think getting experience as an editor will be super beneficial for me, as well. This APA manual will be my best friend for the next few months…

I went to yoga after school, but wanted to get a short run in before. It was SO hot out, which I’m not used to yet, so my run was pretty tough. But I was glad I got a short run in.

The best part of having a big BBQ = the leftovers! We snacked on hummus & pita chips while we got dinner ready.

Jake grilled & I threw together a salad, & got out some of the other leftovers.

We enjoyed our DELICIOUS dinner outside. I love this time of year!

We have some serious ants right now, so Jake sprayed around the house. The girls were intrigued & stood here the entire time he was out back.

Jake’s Grandma brought these over – they were our Easter present. I can’t wait to eat these treats! THANK YOU! <3

Both dogs have now officially sprinted into our storm door. Eye-roll. Lu likes to jump from the walkway, over the front step, into the house. Well, normally that works for her…just not when the storm door is closed. Poor thing! They will learn eventually…
I think she was embarrassed…she went straight into our room & curled up.

These two sure love their Dad!

Ready for a run this morning! Lu really wanted to be fed before we left for our run…she’s so mistreated.

I got 6 in & Jake got 9. This is the last week for me to have to rush to be finished with our runs. I’m so excited to be able to take my time in the mornings & not rush out the door to work. 3.5 more days!!!!

I showered super quick, then made eggs & smoothies while Jake finished his run. He got back right as I was finishing up, so we got to eat together. My favorite thing!

Rocking my Altra Escalentes, Meridian Line, & pants from Roolee today! So. Comfy. I love that Jake is an ambassador for such amazing brands.

I saw this on Instgram the other day & loved it. It’s so true!

I also saw this & was cracking up. I NEVER know what my hair is going to do…it’ll either look decent or be a hot mess – it’s a toss up!

This picture was taken a year ago yesterday. <3 This past year has FLOWN by.

I’m doing some meal prep after school today, so I’m looking forward to that. My grandparents from Florida will be in town later this week & we can’t wait to catch up with them!
3.5 days, teacher friends. We got this!!!
Happy Tuesday!


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  1. Rosa Lee

    Love reading your blog. Really enjoyed that BarBQ on Mothers Day. You and Jake are a sweet couple.

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