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Snow day fun + speed work + more Elk deliciousness!

I loved our snow day yesterday. Lu and I spent some time lounging in bed while I did a little computer work. She was extra cuddly after she chowed down on her breakfast.  Egg sandwich and super greens with collagen for breakfast! I didn’t put Sriracha on this yesterday since I was going to run…

All the food + feeling blah + dessert hack!

These egg sandwiches ( recipe HERE) are so delicious. Only downside, there aren’t any veggies in them and I like to get some veggies in first thing in the AM. I’ve been sipping on some super greens and collagen with my sandwich to get some veggies. It works! I subbed all day yesterday, so that…

Weekend Wrap-up!

Do you ever have those weekends that seem like they’re going to be super easy and laidback and then by the time you know it, it’s Sunday evening and you can’t remember half the things you did over the weekend? Definitely had one of those weekends! I got to see some of my family from…

All the coffee + BIKES + weekend plans!

I could not get warm after my run yesterday. Lu and I pulled up our chairs super close to the fire and cuddled with a few blankets.  I was also trying to ice my ankle while getting warm…it didn’t work all that great.  I did not want to leave the house after my run. I…

Netflix + embracing the easy + modifications!

Make today great, friends! I’m going into my running workout with this in mind – I want to make myself proud.  My little precious angel. I know I’ll love our kids a whole lot, but like, will I love them more than Lu? I woke up at 4AM to meet a friend to run, but…

A little Q & A + a few Monday things.

Monday was spent getting caught up on laundry, emails, and meal prep. I started prepping for my next on-campus class, too. While I was answering some student questions from our first class together, I thought it might be fun to share some of the questions/answers with you guys. Some of the questions are about my…

Weekend Wrap-up!

I got to do so many of my favorite things this weekend! It was wonderful. Between spending time with friends, eating delicious food, and having a trail date with Jake, our weekend was full! Friday morning started with another delicious egg sandwich. I loved having these all week, but I definitely prefer to have breakfast…