
Swim time + my next project + 32 weeks!

We hopped in the car to run a couple of errands Monday morning. About 10 minutes into our drive, Coop passed out. Dinosaur book in his lap and all. It cracked me up. He must’ve been sleepy!

We have done this easy lunch the past two weeks and it’s a life saver. Get a big container of Hawaiian rolls, cut them all down the middle, put whatever sandwich stuff you want on them, then cut them into individual sandwiches. I’ll send two or three with Jake and then Coop and I share another three. SO easy. These have mayo, cheese, salami, turkey, and ham. If I can finish meal prep in 10 minutes, I’m all about it. This is just half of the roll pack. I’ll make some more after we finish these so they don’t get soggy.

I had every intention of working while Coop napped on Monday, but after rocking him in a dark room and laying him down, I couldn’t pass up his snuggles and I immediately passed out, too. We napped for about two hours, which was wonderful. I’m soaking up all the naps I can get right now, so I might as well take advantage of them.

Coop’s favorite night is swim night. The second they tell us they’re ready for his group to go, he gets so excited and yells “READY!” and then repeatedly says his instructor’s name until we see her.

He has started working on being in his float and then finding the edge of the pool. It’s amazing to watch.

I started on my next project, which is refinishing this dresser for Coop’s dino room. It had a super thick paint on it, so sanding took a little bit. Thank goodness for the orbital sander!

Jake worked on something in the sunroom and Coop wanted to help. He always wants to help his Daddy. Jake is so good about letting Coop help with anything and teaching him as they go. It’s adorable to watch. Coop and Baby Dino sure lucked out in the Daddy department! <3

The vacuum was a little loud, so Coop stood with his hands over his ears until he got used to it, ha!

I managed to get everything sanded, wiped down, taped, and primed yesterday. Jake did bedtime last night and I painted while he did that. I can’t wait to see the color on this dresser…it’s gonna look good! After this, all we need is a rocker/recliner for Coop’s new room and then it’ll be ready for him to move in! I want to get him into his new room at least a month before baby brother is here, so he doesn’t feel like he’s getting kicked out of his room. I think we’re going to be able to make that happen!

We are 32 weeks today! Only seven more weeks until we get to hold that sweet boy in our arms.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Weekend Wrap-up: much better + celebrating Mabel + my next project

The weekends are flying by right now…probably because we have so many different things we want to knock out before baby brother makes his appearance. On Friday, I worked next to the cutest little napper. I usually end up napping with him, but some days, I do manage to be a little bit productive while he sleeps.

Baby brother + toddlers, man…+ hair love

We got to check on baby boy Wednesday afternoon. He looks JUST like Cooper. And he has a huge head. It’s measuring like 35/36 weeks, ha! I am 31 weeks pregnant. We think Coop also had a big head, so baby brother is following in his footsteps already. Thank goodness for C-sections, ha! Baby brother is also breech, just like Coop, but I planned on having a repeat C-section no matter what. We had such a wonderful experience with my planned C-section with Coop, so since it’s what I know, I’m all about doing it for the second time.

Weekend Wrap-up: necessities + busy weekend + don’t blink

Man, you know it was a busy weekend when I don’t have many pictures to share. We didn’t do all that much, but were just busy every day, ya know what I mean? On Friday, I ran to the grocery store for necessities…tortillas chips, shredded cheese, and sweet tea. This is basically 50% of my diet right now. HA!

Weekend Wrap-up: family fun night + potty training + I’m sleeeepy

We spent the weekend with a naked Coop working on potty training. He’s doing a really good job, but we’re gonna keep him naked for at least another day or two. It has been fun to see him learn something new, but we’re also so tired from watching him 24/7, ha! He gets so excited after using his potty; it’s adorable!

On Friday, we headed to Eleanor’s family fun night at her school. Coop was ecstatic to see where she goes to school. He talked about it the entire drive over. Here’s his peace sign.

Eclipse fun + potty training prep + 29 weeks!

This wild thing and I headed to get my Rhogam shot Monday morning. When they called to get me registered for the shot, they told me it would take about 20 minutes, so I just took Coop with me. Welllllll, that was not the case. We were there for over an hour. They had to do a blood draw, get results, then give me the shot, so we were there much longer than planned. Coop did great and we took one long walk break while we waited for the lab to run my blood type. One big perk was that they did this shot in my arm rather than my hip, so it wasn’t as painful – I was very thankful for that!