Late night + puberty? + editing fun!

Yesterday was a long day. It was one of our late conference nights at school, so we were there until 7:30PM. I don’t know how Jake was working 16 hour days…one 12 hour day kicked my butt. We had a fire drill at some point during the day. It was very windy and a little chilly. Here’s proof of the wind. 
Lunch was cauli pizza and salad. 
Oh, just over here being 31 and breaking out. Is it too late to go to puberty? I hate zits. So much. This one is painful and VERY obvious. COOL. 
A girl in the doctoral program I went through is getting ready to work on her dissertation. We had a few classes together when I was still in the program and she asked me to peer edit some of her chapters. It’s exciting! My feelings are all over the place when it comes to this doctoral program. Some parts of me miss it SO much, while other parts want nothing to do with school and still can’t believe that I am officially finished. Is it weird that it still hasn’t sunk in? I can’t believe I’ll never be in school as a student again. One of the teachers at school was teasing my yesterday saying I earned my title and that everyone should have to call me Dr. Bradley. He said he’s going to start calling me Ole Doc. HA!
I spent some time in classrooms in the evening, then went back to my office for dinner. We had food catered, but I had already packed my dinner, so I ate it – sweet potato and bison chili, topped with Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt on your chili is SO delicious. Also, add an avocado and hot sauce. You’re welcome. 
I got home about 7:45PM last night. I cleaned the kitchen, packed my lunch for today, then parked it on the couch for about 30 minutes. 
This girl is such a snuggle bug. 
How cool is this?! With my treadmill, there are options to do workouts and runs with iFit trainers. The pretty blonde in this picture is one of the iFit trainers. I also just so happen to follow her on Instagram because she’s super cool. She just did a half marathon in Kauai and I cannot wait to do it once my treadmill is set up in our new house.
Poor Jake is super sick. I think he has some super terrible respiratory flu or a sinus infection. He never gets sick, but around this time of year, it never fails. He always seems to get one really awful sickness. He’s been working such crazy hours and not getting to sleep very much, so I know that’s not helping. Tonight is our first night at home this week, so I am looking forward to spending some time with him. He was already in bed and asleep by the time I got home from conferences last night. I might make him some chicken noodle soup or something to try and get him healthy. 
Happy Wednesday, friends!

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